I have had a wonderful, stupendous day. First I won our team finals for the National Geography Bee, then we had an open book, take home Spanish test. In gym we just walked through the woods behind our school, and I talked with Grace. Tonight, I'm going to a sleepover. Right now, I'm chating with Hikari-chan, reading Utena manga translations, and listening to Vertical Horizon MP3s. Oh yeah, I took a survey-thingie for what anime i should watch, and Utena was at the top, followed by Slayers and Fushigi Yuugi! Oh, and I just printed out a pic of my "hero", AKA the guy who wants to be a girl, Saionji. Its part of this joke with Hikari-chan and her friend Suppi-chan. Hikari's "hero" is the Mystery Fat Lady, and Suppi's "hero" is Syaoran Li. Oh, and in honor of my "hero", I've adopted this->
alt="What would my 'hero', Saionji, do? And do we really want to know?!">