December 29, 2001
Heh heh heh....I love these
Heh heh heh....I love these things...

Look!! Grace!!! I'm canned cheese!!!! *laughs insanely* Ok, moving on....I stayed up until 6:30 this morning...scary, ne? Then I slept until noon. As soon as I finished eating breakfast, I was promptly informed that I had to clean. So I spent an hour and a half cleaning, and missed trading more drool-worthy Legolas pics with Sora online. Gomen nasai Sora. Blame my mom. Cleaning is evil.

*spanks* I took the "What FFVIII Character Am I Most Like" Quiz here!
Ok, ok, I'll stop now....I've been randomly surfin' the net for the last three hours and chatting with people on AIM. Oh, me loves me homemade Legolas wallpaper ^_^ That be all....