IT'S CHRISTMAS EVE!!!! Already! I can't believe it! My weekend has consisted mostly of reading Remus fanfics online and talking to my friends. Squirrel Queen and I exchanged presents. We both made funny cards for each other. Her's had a little quiz thingie on it, and the one I made for her had her two favorite guy charecters, Hotohori and Snape, on it, and was slightly perverted (hey, it was Grace's idea not mine.....) but was funny none the less. I had a very odd dream last night...all I can remember about it is that it had Quirrell in it.....creepy. On Saturday, we went to see Lord of the Rings. It was awesome. I loved it. That night, I had a dream that was Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, politics, and long walks rolled into one. Plus, in it, Scully and I were havening a discussion about how to make a duck look funnier. It was odd, but cool. Oh yeah, I took a wierd quiz thing:
Santa Claus
For you, Christmas is about giving and not necessarily receiving.
Christmas Tree: 0/50 Snowman: 9/50 Santa Claus: 15/50 Reindeer: 10/50 Mistletoe: 5/50 Star: 10/50
Take the What in Christmas Are You? test by