January 11, 2002
I just ate dinner. We had homemade chicken tacos, and strawberries with sugar for dessert. I think I managed to do OK on my Edgar Allan Poe test...and I already have the first two stanzas of 'Annabel Lee' memorized. Although I still have to live through watching my little bratty cousins tomorrow. I hate little kids. I have no patience with them at all. I just wanna sleep tomorrow.....grrrr. I think I'll make myself feel better by hanging out at the Registry message boards or something.....

You will marry LEGOLAS from Lord of the Rings, live in an ancient elven palace in the middle of the forest, and spend your days walking on top of snow and rowing ivory boats and just being beautiful.
What's YOUR M * A * S * H future?
*happy stupid grin* Me is Elfie......Me loves Elfie. Elfie pretty.
You are...

Click the sprite to take the Which Caffeine-Induced Freak Are You Most Like? test thingie. Or you could just click the result pic and save yourself a bit of trouble. Crap, I need to shut up now.
Caffeine our friend....but only in chocolate...coffee nasty.