February 27, 2002
Adventures, adventures...

Hmmm...this is what I get for not updating my blog for a couple days...I've got a lot to say now... Ok, on Monday, my entire family went to Joshua Tree National Park. We went on a tour of this old ranch, which was very cool. There was an old stove like your mother's...we took a picture of it for her. They also had an old washing machine that the ranger said was from the 20s, and my mom said that her mother had one when she was growing up in the 60s...North Carolina is definately a little behind, especially where all my cousins live. The only bad thing was I wore my hair like you and ended up with a nasty sunburn on the back of my neck. Yesterday was spent mostly sleeping and sitting in the car...my dad and I drove for four and a half hours.. Then this morning we went to Seqouia National Park. It was absolutely spectacular. We did a bit of hiking, and sightseeing. Surprisingly, there was probably more snow than you guys have...It was three feet deep in some spots....anyway, we drove back this afternoon, and here I am, blogging away, and listening to my Utena soundtrack. I've discovered that even though Nanami is one of my least favorite charecters (I only dislike Touga more...), she has by far the coolest dueling theme, although Juri's is pretty good too. I wanna hear the Akio car music!!! I'm going to have to download it when I get home. But right now, I have a layout to make, and an English project to work on. Ja ne!