find your element at mutedfaith.com. <º>
...Once again, quiz = scarily right. Anyway, today something mildly frightening happened. For the first time in my entire life, the fangirl part of my brain won out over the rational and ranting portions of my brain. And I bought a dubbed tape. That's Entertainment had the first TB OVA, dubbed, for four bucks (it was used), and the fangirl part of my mind went "AHHHH!!! Tokyo Babylon! Must get! Must get!" and the rational part went "Noooo...must save money for new CCS tape!" and the ranting part. And I bought it. As expected, the dubbed voices were pretty bad (Subaru sounded like dubbed Miki....), although Hokuto was OK, and most of the people enunciated too much, but I decided that the plot and the fact that Subaru wore my favorite Tokyo Babylon outfit of all time - you know, the one with the black pants and black sleeveless turtleneck and black shoes and gloves and hat and red jacket...I swear, I want that outfit - throughtout most of the thing made up for that. I also got the very first two eps of the X-Files on tape, because they had that used too, and have come to the conclusion that when Mulder wears his glasses he starts to look scarily like TB Seishirou. Oh, and that a TB/X-Files crossover would be totally awesome. Unfortunately, I'm too lazy to write said crossover. Now, I'm tired so I'm going to go listen to jpop, and read fanfics and go to sleep.