October 7, 2002
Sunshine in the Clouds

It seems like I'm the only cheerful person out of my friends in Blogland....Winter is having all sorts of panic attacks and emotional breakdowns, Lilly is angry, and I have a good guess at what, Marion is upset....honestly, people, am I the only one who's managed to stay in a good mood here? Well, me and Heidi, but she's almost always happy. Guess I'm the official cheer-er up-er *puts on The Smiley Face Song* All you sad/angry/upset/panicky people, go and listen to it. It'll cheer you up. I actually have the autograph of Harvey Ball, the man who created the Smiley Face. It's up stairs in my scrap book. Hum. I think I'm going to put blogging about the rafting trip of again, because I'm feeling bored, and very lazy. And I want to actually get some sleep tonight.