August 26, 2003

I just need to get this out of my system before it gets to the point at which I snap and say far more than I want to be made public of this.

I've come to the conclusion that right now, I really need someone who I can tell everything, both good and bad, without having them laugh at me or tell me it's just me overreacting or thinking poorly of me or me annoying them with my problems.

In essence, a best friend. Something I haven't had for several years at this point. A few people come close, but none that close.

*sigh* Something's been brewing between me and a friend, only they don't realize it because they don't have my particular set of Issues or oversensitive nature. And Shoujocon kind of brought it out, but I was too high on con-energy to really notice. And now that I'm home, it's brought it out. And it's causing problems.