November 2, 2003

For some reason, I'm feeling oddly nostalgic at the moment. I think it may be because Beth put up a new chapter of CLAMP Campus X, and her stuff was some of the earliest X fic I ever read. And I started thinking about all that's happened over the last two years or so. My life has changed a lot. I've met a lot of really cool, fun, intresting people, I've had a few friendships grow apart, I've gotten myself involved in so many things...

And I myself have changed a lot too. Last year especially forced me to grow up a great deal. I look back at blog entries from two years ago, and see how childish and silly I was. In a way, I kind of miss that. That pure level of silliness was fun, and it was nice to be able to whine about the little things because to me, there were no big things. But there's a sort of fun that comes from knowing the world better that I enjoy too. I suppose the author of "Marigolds" was right...You can't really have both innocence and true understanding.

And...yeah. I have no clue where I meant to go with this. You guys all rock. I love you all, and thanks for everything ^^ It means a lot, even if I don't always say it.