July 19, 2006
Stormy Weather

I just got soaked, and it makes me totally happy. I decided to go for a walk and return some movies we rented, because while I wanted to sit around and spaz at people about Nocturne, the only two friends I have who actually play it both have real lives and thus were not online. Such is the downfall of small fandoms, I guess.

So, after seeing vague flashes of bright blue thunder off in the background for pretty much all evening, it decided to finally start pouring rain about fifteen minutes into my walk, complete with soundtrack provided by my mp3 player - it decided to put on Zelda: Ocarina of Time Riveroftime AmIEvil, from OC Remix, which has rain and thunder in the background, just as the rain was starting. It was glorious, even if it did mean I got two sets of perfectly clean, dry clothes soaked today (Grace dragged me, Ben, Anthony, and Dan swimming at the state park - I wasn't expecting to go in but did anyway).

And Tseng's profile is now a thing of beauty, even if I still need to make icons for that account. It even has a little header and everything. Mostly because the screenshot was too awesome not to use, but iconned poorly.