February 15, 2007
Happy Valentine's Day!

Best way to spend Valentine's Day if you don't have a date? Chips + candy + booze + Boku no Sexual Harrassment + equally dateless friends = WIN!

We considered watching Enzai, but from what I've heard, decided we didn't have enough alcohol for it. BnSH is entertainingly bad enough. And then it turned out my file of the third part was corrupt, so as we re-downloaded it, we watched a ton of SNL Celebrity Jeopredy clips ("A leather glove!"), and Leon being tortured and dying in horrible ways. Jokes were made, cat macros were quoted, and a good time was had by all.

And I always use Valentine's Day to remind both myself and the world of how much I love all you crazy fuckers, so Happy Valentine's Day, guys! Have a song: Revolting Cocks - Do Ya Think I'm Sexy (Ministry sideproject covering a Rod Stewart song from the 70s - it fills me with perverse glee), and a card (care of VG Cats). Enjoy ♥